Sunday, November 22, 2020

Weekend in the Yard

 We are having beautiful seventy degree days this time in November and Trish and I are joyfully getting to do a lot of yard work that is still lingering from hurricane damage.

The first sowing of annual rye grass is up and making everything so green that it is time to mow and trim all around the house.  As you can see, the banana trees are still growing and this one is more then ten feet tall.

We worked with two wheelbarrows, one for each of us, to move chips and build a fresh walkway from the garage to the back deck of the house where the hot tub is.  There is weed barrier under the chip layer and when it settles down we will add a neat layer of pine bark mulch to the top.

It is also time for planting bulbs.  Asiatic lilies have been planted and other bulbs are slated to go in the ground this week.

Best thing of all, though, is our working together to care for and make our home the place we want it to be.  When all the COVID distraction is over, you will see a big difference when you come to the island.

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