Friday, November 27, 2020

Island Thanksgiving

 We have had a very quiet Thanksgiving Week here on our island.  Our son, Jonathan, and his wife, Kahran, came down for the week.  Everyone else decided it was safer to stay home than travel but since Jon and Kahran work totally from home and they can drive to the ferry without stopping, they came to be here for the week.

We had a great time together and wonderful food.  Our menu included a Cornish Turkey (our name for a chicken in place of a turkey since there are only four of us...and Jon is vegetarian), sweet potato soufflé, green bean casserole, cornbread dressing, lots of gravy (both chicken and vegetarian), yeast rolls, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.  Our menu for Friday is leftover everything!

The weather was beautiful and in the seventies by the afternoon.  We ate on the screen porch and enjoyed the yard all afternoon in the sunshine,  Then it was time for a late nap before pie for dinner.

Even in this strange year our hearts are filled with thankfulness for family, health, home, and the promise of restored direction for our country and our world health.  We live looking forward to what lies ahead and our part in restoration of happiness and sanity.

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