Saturday, December 14, 2024

San Antonio Riverwalk

 Trish and I had three extra days between jobs in Midland, Texas, and LaGrange, Georgia. So, we decided to linger in San Antonio on our way to enjoy Riverwalk decorated for Christmas.  What a beautiful place at this time of year.

In 1921 a terrible flood did massive damage in downtown San Antonio.  Afterwards an architect named Robert Hugman proposed building a bypass canal to handle massive amounts of water in flood times.  The plan was approved in 1929, but, due to the Depression, it was not built until 1941. 

Mr. Hug a moved his architectural offices to the Riverwalk to prove to people that it was safe to do business and live there.  Today the Riverwalk is the most visited tourist attraction in the state of Texas.

Trish and I walked and walked, ate in Riverwalk restaurants, and took a total of four boat rides to cover different times of the day plus after dark.

River walk is beautiful at all times of the year,  it, as you can see, it is especially stunning throughout the Christmas season.  We had a great and restful time.

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