Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy July 4th!

 Here on the island the Fourth of  July is a time of huge celebration lasting over three days.  

The start of events is fireworks.  Our fireworks presentation was last night.  The island is full of tourists for this week and, in addition, hundreds of people from up the Outer Banks come over for the day.  Trish and I gathered, along with what looked like many hundreds of others, down by the harbor to watch a fabulous display.

Tommy Hutcherson is the disc jockey playing music for a couple of hours as people gather and visit.  Then, at 9:15, everyone stands to join in the National Anthem, at the exact end of which, the first rockets go off.

Traffic to that end of the island had been cut off earlier, so, it was pedestrians and bicycles and an occasional golf cart getting there and back.  It was a very happy gathering of people for the whole evening.

Tomorrow events continue from the village to the beach, including a gigantic fish fry. Then, on Tuesday, the big parade will happen. It is three full days of celebration and fun!

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