Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Big Parade!

 The biggest island event yesterday was the Fourth of July Parade.  We gathered, along with hundreds of others, at the start of the parade route which is just at the end of our street.

Of course the parade started with the fire trucks as they came out of the station, which is also just at the end of our street.  We feel fortunate to have a great and well trained volunteer fire department and that they are located only a few hundred yards from our house.

The parade was then led off by Grand Marshall, Dallas Mason, our remarkable ten-year-old island drummer and guitar player.  Dallas plays with several bands on the island, everything from Rock and Roll to traditional music.  Each year the Grand Marshall is driven in our little convertible, so, even if we are not in the parade, one of our cars is!

There is a new drive underway to build a community swimming pool.  Lots of children (and adults) here do not know how to swim…there is no community pool.  We are supportive and hope others will join and help to make this possible.  This was the Community Pool Association float!

The parade categories included: walking, bikes, golf cards, and vehicles.  Here is a golf  cart carrying a very calm African Gray parrot.  It said nothing as it passed.

Everyone loves the parade.  It ends with the National Anthem and the awarding of sand sculpture prizes and parade prizes.  The day then ends at the beach with a big community bonfire.

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