Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Norman Rockwell Museum

 This weekend we visited with our dear friends, Put and Nannie Brown, in West Granby, Connecticut.  On Saturday Trish and I drove, with them, up to Stockbridge, Massachusetts, to visit the Norman Rockwell Museum.  Stockbridge was Rockwell’s home through the last years of his life and the museum contains more of his original work than is assembled anywhere in the world among with originals of all his magazine covers.

We got to visit up close with some favorite remembered Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations as well as become acquainted with original work we had never seen before.

Looking back historically, we now see how daring Rockwell was with some of his work.  The original painting of Ruby Bridges on her first day of integrated school was accompanied by a video of Ruby herself recounting that day and her confusion with it all.  It was remarkable for the time for Rockwell to render his interpretation of this event and more remarkable for the Post to feature it in the cover.

We also saw Rockwell poke fun at himself as he uses himself as a boy as the model for the tall kid with glasses (in the left) in a series of seasonal sports works.

In all, we had a wonderful afternoon.  Our legs wore out before our imaginations!

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