Friday, February 10, 2023

Visiting the Fish.

 The Atlantic Aquarium is the largest open-air marine habitat in the world.  The lagoons hold more than eight million gallons of sea water and are home to over two hundred and fifty species of fish and other varieties marine life.  

You can visit the lagoons outdoors or you can go through The Dig, a series of tunnels that take you under and through the lagoons where you are almost face to face with fish everywhere.

Each day Trish and I try to visit the fish.  We often end our day with a walk through The Dig and tell these beautiful creatures goodnight for the day.  They are so beautiful.

You are so close in The Dig and get to see them right as they live.  We are very impressed at the healthy environment of this giant aquarium.  They do a great job here caring for the marine life.

From large to small these creatures are fascinating!

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Sunshine and Fish!

 Trish and I have been at Atlantis for two weeks and we have one more week to go. One of the reasons we love to come here is the gigantic aq...