Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Henry Ford Museum

 Trish and I have stayed over in Dearborn today to visit the huge Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation located beside Greenfield Village.  This is a place to see!

We spent most of the morning on the transportation side. They have here four Presidential limousines in beautiful condition.  After the assassination of John Kennedy, the Lincoln in which he was shot was impounded as a crime scene vehicle.  Then it was returned to Ford and the outfitter where it was totally refitted for continued use as replacement was so very costly.  A permanent hard top was added, it was additionally armored, and other changes were made.  It was in service 15 more years and last carried Jimmy Carter.  

Behind it was the bubble top Lincoln used by Eisenhower mostly.  The car was heavily armor plated, but Ike chose to stand and hold on so that he could be seen.  There is a small windshield in front of the bar he would hold on to. He stood in front of the bubble.

The last of the limos was Franklin Roosevelt’s “Sunshine Special” the first limo specifically built for the President.  Again, it was armored and with two-inch bulletproof glass, but the President almost always rode with the top down so he could see and be seen.  It is a wonder something tragic didn’t happen  before Kennedy.

There is so much here, I will tell about more tomorrow!

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Sunshine and Fish!

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