Friday, October 8, 2021

Back at The Swag

 Trish and I are spend this week at The Swag, the Great Country Inn Of the Smokies, where I do storytelling and lead hikes a couple of weeks each year.

From the Porch of the Main House.

It has rained every day and night of the week, and, we have had no hikes this week.  With all of the mud and rain the trails are slick with fallen leaves and acorns.  We don’t want any serious falls so we are being extra cautious.  Instead we have been having two story times each day instead of just one.

Pretty leaves make slippery trails.

Even with the rain we have poked around outdoors since the fall wildflowers are giving us their last show of the season.  We love to see the plants turning their priority to seed production and the end of year blooms.

When the white bane berry goes to seed, the result is Doll’s Eyes.

No matter what the weather, we always have a lovely time here, near my home town.

Trish beautifies the garden gate on her birthday!

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