Saturday, August 7, 2021

On The Road Again!

 While festivals are opening back up as live events, Trish and I are still not flying this year.  We simply do not want to put ourselves into the uncivil and potentially unhealthy space of airports and airplanes.  So, we are driving everywhere.

Besides those considerations, Trish and I love to travel side by side in the car across the beauty and variety of our country. And, if we plan time correctly, we have opportunities to see family, friends, and favorite places along the way.

A main consideration is packing for six weeks away from home in a variety of climates and events The main things to think about are: upcoming events, weather along the way, and, maximum times between laundry opportunities.

We end up with two suitcases each: one for daily casual travel (this one comes in from the car each night), and one for dress-up and performances (this one stays in the car until needed).  Then there is the back-up pharmacy bag, the office bag, and extra coats and shoes.  Wow! Does this all fit in the trunk of the car?

After several rounds of adjustment and elimination, we made it!  Now, will the trunk lid close?  It did.  So, we are off on our way for both play and work.  Maybe we will see you somewhere along the way.

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Sunshine and Fish!

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