Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Big Finish!

 On our final day at Disney World, we had our greatest accidental adventure.

We took the boat from the campground over to The Magic Kingdom and then went on to ride my favorite ride, Splash Mountain.  Following a slight soaking, Trish and I headed back into Adventure Land and lined up for Pirates of the Caribbean.

Everything was fine as we started out.  Then there was a stoppage of about one minute...nothing unusual...before the ride continued. Our boat went down the little splash-slide into the main part of the attraction and, just as we got to about the center of the ride, things came to a stop.

After being stuck for about ten minutes while we were repeatedly told that there had been an “unexpected stop,” we began to realize that this was a bigger deal.  We could hear the announcements being made to the staff about things like restarting pumps, shutting down the ride, and turning on the work lights.

Suddenly all the lights came on and we could see everything about the inside of the ride in full illumination. It was great!  We saw how everything was made and all of the details that are normally in darkness. 

Then we were told to stay seated and someone would come to get us.  All the animatronics and all the sounds shut down.  It took a while, but then staff people came through doors you would never notice in the dark.  They were followed by others in waders.  The wader people got in the water and gradually pulled each boat up to the flat side where we could climb out.

We went through the back workings of the ride and out of the building right into where the parade floats are stored.  The Main Street Philharmonic was returning from a show just as we got there.  We were led along a sidewalk back toward the Magic Kingdom inside.  We had to wait for an ambulance to be loaded (learned nothing about this) and while we waited they came by with water and added a Fast Pass to our Magic Bands so we could walk right into any ride we choose for the rest of the day.

Once back inside the park, Trish and I took a Dole Whip snack break and then noticed that Pirates of the Caribbean was about to reopen! We got right back in the beginning of that line and this time rode the ride successfully without any stops!  We then used our Fast Pass for another ride on Splash Mountain and this time really got soaked!  

It was the best day ever!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Small Treasures

 One of the nice things about such limited crowds here at Disney World is that we can easily ride all the rides in a park and still have time left in the day even if we do not arrive until noon or after. This has enabled us to spend more time looking at small things that are usually passed over when lines are long.

A couple of days ago we were at Epcot and in no hurry at all.  We spent a lot of time at the smaller aquaria behind the big aquarium that draws most people’s attention.  There were beautiful starfish, sea horses, and a variety of tropical fish there.  If we had been in a hurry we would have bypassed this whole area headed for another ride.  Having plenty of time is enabling us to really slow down and take in the whole of things.  It is a lesson for us in our lives everywhere!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Joyful Day!

 Just a little break from our Disney vacation time today while we watch with joy as our country once again has a functioning president instead of a pretending adolescent to lead us.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Animal Kingdom

 When we got up yesterday morning there was scratching outside the Airstream,.  Upon opening the door there were 21 wild turkeys at our campsite.  Nearly half of them were Tom’s, as indicated by black tipped wing feathers and drooping beards.  Only one male, though, was in charge!  He spread his tail feathers and lorded over the whole bunch.

After the turkeys left, we headed over to Animal Kingdom to see official animals.  Upon our arrival we saw that the Park was almost empty, so, we could walk right into whatever we wanted to ride or see.

No Crowds Here!

In the cool weather all the animals were out on the Safari ride.  As many times as Trish and I have been here, we had never seen so many animals.  The pictures below will show you a few of them.  We are having a lovely time!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Magic Kingdom

 Yesterday was Monday so we knew the crowds would have dropped from the weekend.  We slept very late and finally went over to the Magic Kingdom after lunchtime.

There are no big parades now to help avoid congested gatherings of people.  Instead there are little events that happen by surprise at frequent intervals.  Just as we arrived, all the princesses came by on a float.  These little happenings are better than parades as they occur all the time without notice.  They are all different.

There were very short lines and, even arriving in the afternoon, we were able to ride: the Jungle Cruise, the Haunted Mansion, Peter Pan’s Flight, Small World, Under the Sea, Buzz Lightyear, and Pirates of the Caribbean as well as having dinner at Be Our Guest.

As inauguration time comes next week we are curious to see what changes are made to the Hall of the Presidents and when.  It will be interesting.

Trish and I continue to be impressed by the care that is taken for health safety.  Here is a picture showing how the lines are spaced out and separated by plexiglass on the way into the Small World ride.  Tomorrow we go to EPCOT.

Monday, January 11, 2021

At Disney World

 Whew we are at our campsite at Fort Wilderness until January 28.

At Fort Wilderness

The most amazing thing about being here is seeing how Disney is safely handling people at this time.

Even though we are Annual Pass Holders, we must make advance reservations for each time we want to visit a park. Only one-third of the normal capacities are being admitted.  When we arrive we have our temperature taken and are checked to be sure our mask covers our chin, cheeks and nose.

Because we get free parking, we have not been riding buses to the parks but driving instead.  Even in the parking lots cars are separated with empty rows and spaces between cars on rows.

For rides, there is clear separation for the lines and then only one party is seated in any car on any ride.

Meals are only by reservation. 

We find that it is busier on weekends, so, that is when we do laundry and clean the Airstream.  On Monday through Friday it is like the place is empty and we can walk right on to any ride we choose.

If the entire country were run like this, we would see COVID really begin to disappear.  Hurrah for the strictness of Disney!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

A New Year Adventure

 A few days after Christmas we packed up our Airstream and headed south for the month of January.

We decided to camp at Disney’s Fort Wilderness, one of our favorite campgrounds, for the month.  

Disney has opened the parks on a very limited basis: only one third of the normal capacity is being admitted each day and you have to have a pre-reservation for that day to enter, masks are required and enforced at all times except actively eating while seated, temperatures are checked on entering a park anytime, restaurants require advanced reservations and only seat a limited number of people, the rides are very spaced out and people are carefully directed as to where to sit, lines are very spaced.  It is beautiful and fascinating to be here without crowds and to see how things are organized and handled. (Hand sanitizer is EVERYWHERE!)

Below are several photos to show how it actually looks here.  This is still a holiday weekend so things are at “limited capacity.” We are looking forward to how it will be when people have to go back to work on Monday.

Sunshine and Fish!

 Trish and I have been at Atlantis for two weeks and we have one more week to go. One of the reasons we love to come here is the gigantic aq...