Sunday, July 26, 2020

Figs are Coming!

We have four gigantic fig trees around our house on the island and we have been watching the figs as they move from setting toward maturing.  In the past days the first signs of ripe figs have started with their beginning to turn from green to bronze.

Trish and I both love figs and as their time comes we begin to look for more ways to use them depending on the mass of the crop.

There are fig preserves, sometimes made with a bit or orange or even Grand Marnier.  There will be figs wrapped in bacon,  There might be figs with blue cheese.  There could be fig smoothies.  Their are possibilities of fig ice cream. And, when we make the preserves in the summer there will be fig cake using them in the winter.

Yesterday we picked the very first ones...for about five or six as a promise sample of things to come.

The first bite of the season!

They tasted wonderful...sweet and with a texture that is just right!  Another reason to live where we do!

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