Every evening is different and the seasons have their own characteristics as well. For the past three nights the sunsets have been distinctly unique. We never tire of studying those unique individuality especially.
Night before last the sun was dropping toward the water when it slipped behind a bank of clouds. We thought that it was gone when, just over the water, it dropped into sight once again only to be split by a horizontal cloud that visually marked its descent.
This one two days ago had a cloud splitting it. |
Last night we saw no sun at all, but the clouds above where it must have been hiding gave us a panorama of color that looked like pink marble.
Even when the sun hides it is beautiful. |
This morning it rained until past noon. This afternoon the sun came out, but the sky still held clouds. When we rode down tonight we were not sure what we would find. At first it looked like we would again see no sun but would get some brilliant red clouds. Then...the sun burned its way out of the bottom of the clouds just before sinking into the water and we got a beautiful expanse of opalescent color.
Tonight’s fiery show. |
Another reason we live here!