Thursday, September 12, 2019

Almost Home

We started out from Utah on Sunday right after the Festival Tellers got to go to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Broadcast. We would not miss that treat both for the event itself and because it was our last chance to be with wonderful festival hosts and other tellers there.

After a fairly short drive Sunday (we were both zonked after that whole week) we camped in Vernal, Utah, for the night,  The next day we got down to the business of getting home and dealing with Hurricane Dorian.

I drove while Trish got on the phone and started talking with flood insurance people and ServePro for recovery mitigation.  Since our garage apartment/guest house is a separate building from the house, we have two flood insurance policies.  She spent about five hours in the phone Monday and the same amount on Tuesday and Wednesday,  I managed to drive about seven hundred miles each day so we got back to North Carolina last evening,

After loading up on supplies (new generator, new power washer, lots of bleach and detergent, gloves, masks, etc.) we got to the ferry by noon.  There was a huge line of relief vehicles...Baptist Men in Mission, United Methodist Relief, Red Cross, electricians, other residents just getting here...we could not get on the one o’clock ferry.  When the three o’clock ferry came, we were the last vehicle to be fitted on board!

Now we are almost to the island and anxious to get home and see  what is there.  Pictures will come tomorrow!
On the ferry at last!

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