Sunday, September 1, 2024

Jenny Lake

 Yesterday Trish and I spent most of the day around the Jenny Lake region of the Tetons.  We had brunch at Jenny Lake Lodge, one of our favorite places.  There were beautiful flowers everywhere, just enjoying the Teton climate that they love.

Following our brunch, we began to wander along the shore of Jenny Lake.  This is a smaller lake that where we are staying at Colter Bay, but it gives us views of the mountains that are totally different from there or on the river.

When we could see the water closely, we could see that it is so clear the bottom is visible.   No one was in the water here.  Our bet was that it was far too cold for that.  There is still snow melt coming down at the end of the summer; new snow will be in the way very soon.

This is our last day here. Tomorrow we go to Jackson Hole.

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