Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Winter Yard Work

 Now is the time of year to begin getting things ready for next spring and summer.

This year we have undertaken a big project building raised beds to convert areas where grass doesn’t grow to flower gardens.  So far we have built fifteen beds for bulbs, perennials and annual flowers.

Here is Trish just finishing laying out 160 mixed daffodil bulbs in a bed that will follow the daffodils with summer annuals.

Our neighbor, Monroe, brought us a whole dump-truck load of black topsoil from the mainland for building these beds.  Guess how the dirt got hauled to its final locations?

Some of this dirt will soon cover these 250 tulip bulbs that face our street.

We are having a great time remodeling the yard and looking forward to what we see in the springtime.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Stella Maris Chapel

 The Catholic Stella Maris Chapel is now finished and dedication.  The formal dedication was held on All Hallows Day followed by open house and a luncheon for all present.

Stella Maris means, in Latin, Star of the Sea, and is a title given to Mary as she protects the ways of mariners, fishermen, and ocean travelers.  It is an appropriate name for a little chapel here on the island.

The chapel, which seats eighty-five people, is strikingly beautiful.  It has stained glass and tiles reclaimed from historic churches from the past.  The pews are reproductions from another church and are remarkably comfortable.

Everything inside is old while the chapel itself is brand new.

The statue of Mary in the garden is a calm place for meditation and relaxation.

We are happy that island Catholics and visitors alike have this beautiful spiritual home for fellowship and worship.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Trick or Treat on Ocracoke

 Halloween on the island is a very important but gentle time for all of our children.  Without anyone ever saying anything about it, Trick or Treating has evolved over the years to its present tradition.

Instead of Trick or Treating all over the island, now a single road is the Trick or Treat road.  Lighthouse Road starts at the main road through the village and runs out past the lighthouse where it becomes a loop and comes back around to join itself.  The entire length is less than a half mile.

There are many houses along this road, but, in addition, everyone else on the island goes over there and sets up along that road.  There are tables and trunks and truck beds all lining the road with people giving out Treats.  We take our little truck over there and are in the back with our offerings.

The time is also very early.  Trick or Treating starts about 4:30 and is all finished before dark.  This way it is all safe for everyone.  Even our sheriff’s department deputies and part of the event watching out to see that everything is safe and calm.

Some of the kids we recognize, but some we never can quite figure out.  They work in very creative ways to become who they want to be for this event.  Yes, and even the adults dress up to make it more fun.  This kind of event is another reason we love living here.

Sunshine and Fish!

 Trish and I have been at Atlantis for two weeks and we have one more week to go. One of the reasons we love to come here is the gigantic aq...