Monday, March 13, 2023

Back on the Road

 As we are now well into this new year of 2023, it is obvious that the slowdowns of COVID are done with and our schedule for work and travel is back to normal.

Trish and I were to leave on Saturday for a workshop week in Connecticut, but we had gale warnings on the weather forecast for that day. Since there had been some cancellations of ferry operations for wind earlier in the week, we decided that we should go ahead and leave on Friday afternoon to be sure we were not trapped the next day.

We took an afternoon ferry and traveled on up to Kitty Hawk to spend the night with a head start. We ended up right on the beach there and our room gave us a great view of the wind and water the following morning at sunrise.

There was a lot of wind, but the scene was beautiful.

After breakfast we headed on north.  

We were taking the Eastern Shore route and, when we got to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, all of the large trucks and other high-profile vehicles were being turned back due to high winds on the Bay.  We were allowed to cross with instructions of  “no more than forty-five miles an hour and no passing on the bridge.”  The winds and waves were high and we were glad we were in our SUV and not anything bigger or towing a trailer.  It was a relief to get to the other side.

We finished the day by taking the Cape May - Lewes Ferry to New Jersey, which turned out to be a rough trip for such a large ferry.  

Glad that we made the day-early head start, we settled for the night.

The rest of the trip was easy and beautiful!

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