Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Back in Jonesborough!

 We have just finished a very busy week back in Jonesborough, Tennessee, for the 50th National Storytelling Festival.  

My first Festival was forty-two years ago and I have been on the stage there every year since.  Trish and I even came to Jonesborough last year when the Festival was COVID-cancelled because that is where we belong on the first weekend in November.

I started the week as the Teller in Residence for the week and did ten shows in the center theatre from Monday through Thursday.  Wednesday night we were in the library tent for a wonderfully full and excited audience.  Everyone has been so happy to be back at the Festival in person.

On Friday morning the full Festival started with all the other tellers.  There were both old friends and new tellers to meet and work with for the weekend.

One exciting new teller was Brigid Reedy who came with her brother, Johnny, from Montana.  They immediately bonded with our great friend, Josh Goforth, and even played together a couple of times during the weekend.


The Yarnspinner Party on Saturday night was a great celebration of fifty years of storytelling in Jonesborough.  We are already looking forward to coming back next year as things continue to return to normal after our involuntary COVID hiatus.

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