Saturday, April 23, 2022

Boyd Mountain Cabins

 Trish and I are back at The SWAG this weekend for a retreat with the Friends of the Smokies.  Since there are more people here than can be accommodated at The SWAG, some of us are staying at Boyd Mountain Cabins just down the mountain.

Danny Boyd and I went to high school together in Waynesville and graduated in the same class.  We went off to college and Danny went on to dental school.  During his twenty-five years of practicing dentistry in Waynesville, Danny undertook the transformation of the farm on which he grew up.  Christmas trees began to be farmed and historic log cabins acquired and remodeled.  Now Danny and his wife, Betsy, run Boyd Mountain Cabins and Christmas tree farm full time.  It is a beautiful place indeed.

There are thousands of Christmas trees growing all around us.  It is interesting to see their sizes and watch the way they grow on land too steep for any other use.

If you need a quiet place to rest on the North Carolina side of the Smokies, you might like Boyd Mountain Cabins.  We sure do!

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