From San Francisco, Trish and I drove over to Reno and then up to Mountain Home, Idaho, where we spent the weekend with Trish’s son, Greg, and his family. Greg and his wife, Annette, are both career Air Force and are now stationed at Mountain Home Air Force Base just south of Boise, Idaho. This is our first time to see them since they moved there.
Trish and Greg on his weekend off duty. |
The big treat was getting to see their children, our grandchildren, Mallory, Jake, and Lucas. We had not seen them since before COVID.
Jake, Mallory, and Luke. |
After our weekend there, we drove on Sunday to Rawlings, Wyoming on our way to Colorado. One thing Trish and I love about driving across the country is the great variety of beautiful changing scenery we get to see as we go. With the speed limit being 80 mph we could cover 600 miles in eight hours.
We don’t have scenery like this at home! |
At the end of our day we arrived just as the new moon looked like it was going to eat Venus. Tomorrow we head to Colorado Springs.