Thursday, July 1, 2021

Time With Friends

 I met Put and Nannie Brown in 1982 at the North Atlantic Storytelling Festival in Rockport, Maine.  From that day until now we have been great friends.  We have visited each other’s homes and traveled together several times.

This year, Put and Nannie came to be participants in our Ocracoke Storytelling Week workshop.  When the week was over, they stayed on with us for the first good visit we had had in some time and so that they might get to know Trish better than there had been a chance to do before COVID.

 We had a wonderful time playing around the island, eating together, getting rest, and best of all, just visiting.

Time together on the porch.

We deeply realize that this kind of time is probably the thing that COVID forced us to miss most and we are delighted that their visit is the beginning of seeing in person many many people whom we treasure and love.

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