Monday, May 3, 2021

Pelican Breeding Ground

 On our way back from Portsmouth to Ocracoke we made an offshore visit to Beacon Island, a major breeding ground for brown pelicans.  In the 1950’s and before this island was totally covered with nests of breeding birds.  When DDT became generally available for agricultural use following WW II, the pelican population began to drop.  The insecticide made their eggs soft and sterile and new hatchlings were few.  

By the early 60’s there were only three breeding pairs of brown pelicans here and the entire species was endangered.

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 outlawed the use of DDT totally and the pelicans began to return.  Today their numbers are difficult to count they are so wonderfully numerous and they are no longer in danger.

We circled the island and watched the parents and their babies crowded around their nests.  The parents go out and catch fish, then bring them back and feed the babies until the babies are big enough to fish on their own.  There were also ibises and oyster skimmers to be seen nesting among them.

It is a beautiful sight!

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