Monday, September 7, 2020

A Wonderful Visit.

Since the year 2000 I have had the privilege of playing with the Jonesborough Novelty Band during the National Festival weekend each year.  This past week Trish and I traveled to Jonesborough in preparation for this year’s virtual festival.  Among other things, I got to do video work with the Novelty Band.

The organizer and leader of the Novelty Band is Terry Countermine, retired from computer science at East Tennessee State University and a long time Jonesborough resident.  Terry has served as both Vice-mayor of the Town of Jonesborough and as a Board Member of the International Storytelling Center.

Following our recording work earlier last week, Terry and his wife, Sandy, came home with us for a visit on the island.  They brought with them storyteller Barbara McBride-Smith, now a resident of Jonesborough and a long time good friend.

We are all visiting at the Ocracoke lighthouse.

We have had a wonderful time visiting together this week.  The Countermines have been in the guest house where Trish and I lived during hurricane recovery and Barbara has been in our home.  We have explored the island and enjoyed long talks and shared food together.

Sandy and Barbara took our picture after a walk to the Springer’s Point beach.

This year it is a special joy to be able to have a safe visit with friends after being isolated with COVID for most of the year.

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