Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cary to Memphis

Last weekend we were at a wonderful new festival in Cary, North Carolina: the Old North State Storytelling Festival.  This festival was the fruit of tremendous work by Alan Hoal and the NC Storytelling Guild.  I was featured along with Donna Washington, Michael Reno Harrell, and a half-dozen regional tellers from across the Carolinas.  Watch out for next year as this event is destined to thrive and grow.

From there we had a couple of baby days in Roanoke, Virginia.  We visited with our two-month-old grandson, Beckham.  He is Trish’s daughter, Betsie’s second son..his brother is fifteen!  Lots of fun there!

Sleeping and growing!
In addition there were more babies. When Trish moved to Ocracoke, she had to leave her long-term hair-care person, Kate Altizer.  At the same time, Kate was in the process of having twin boys.  During this visit we got to both go to Kate’s house and meet her for haircuts and to see the twins.  We now look better and it was lots of fun.

Sleeping twins.

Now we are headed to Germantown, Tennessee for our semi-annual  visit to Balmoral Presbyterian Church for their festival there.  On the way we spent the night at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, an experience of rest and good food all in itself.  Now we are ready for the weekend.

Fun time at the Opryland Hotel.

If you are near Memphis, check out the Balmoral Festival.  The church is located on Quince Road in Germantown.  I will also be preaching on Sunday.

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