Monday, August 26, 2019

Into Idaho

Seventeen days from home we have now traveled 4,347 miles and are in Idaho.  Here it is time for digging potatoes, harvesting corn, and making hay.  There is hay everywhere with gigantic rectangular bales that are so large the length of one totally crosses an eighteen-wheel flatbed trailer from side to side.  We see the endless fields being baled and keep meeting dozens and dozens of triple-trailer trucks hauling their magnificent loads.

Much of the hay looks like alfalfa, but a lot also looks golden like wheat straw.

We’ve never seen haybales this size!

The endless potato fields are beginning to wilt, so, the digging can’t be far behind.  And then there is corn...   It is beautiful farmland worked over by gigantic machinery.  I keep wondering what my farmer-grandfathers would think of all this after their lives with oxen and horses.

Beautiful Farmland seem to have no end.

Along the way today we traveled through Craters of the Moon National Monument.  Established during the presidency of Calvin Coolidge, at that time people thought this volcanic landscape must surely be what the moon looked like.  On the visitors’ record map at the National Park Center no one from Ocracoke had ever added a pin!  We did that and the island is now documented as sending at least two visitors.

Craters of the Moon National Monument.

Tonight we camp in Idaho Falls and tomorrow begin our great adventure in Yellowstone.  Stay tuned!

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