Saturday, July 6, 2024

On the Fourth

 The Fourth of July activities continued to their high mark in the island on the fourth itself.

Activities started with the big sand sculpture contest on the beach in the morning.  There were categories for ages, individuals, and groups.  With dozens of entries, the overall winner was Poor Unfortunate Shoals! 

The day moved on to the parade in the afternoon.  This year’s parade was excellent with more than the usual number of entries.  The only rules were no politics and no water throwing!  Everyone appreciated that.  There was, however, lots of candy throwing along the way. 

We decided that we needed to be in the parade, so, we decorated the Jeep and, in addition to candy, we threw out rubber ducks!  What fun!

The winner in the float division was Ocracoke United Methodist Church.  This year, as the USA is 248 years old, the Church is 81 years old.  

We ended the day with a fundraising cookout at the church.  This Sunday is the first Sunday at the church for our new minister, Desiree Adam.  Everyone is excited for her!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Ocracoke July 4

 July 4 is a very important holiday here on the island.  There are celebrations spread out over three full days for the holiday.  This is a very busy week with every accommodation on the island full and a large number of people coming over for day trips.  It is a huge celebration.

Last night things started with fireworks.

The evening started with music at the harbor side leading up to the big show at nine fifteen.  People brought chairs and blankets and a huge crowd joined in the fun.

By having our fireworks show earlier than the Fourth itself, we get a better price and a longer show to book.  Besides that, many tourists come over from Hatteras and the rest of the Outer Banks for the show and our whole economy benefits.  It is also the beginning of our whole celebration.

Today continued with a fund raising dinner at our new Community Gardens that lasted all afternoon.  Just across the street from the Gardens, I did a book signing at Books to Be Red for my newest book, HOW THEY LINGER.  We had lots of fun.

Tonight there is a traditional square dance at the Berkley Center, but, we are off to bed to rest up for everything tomorrow.  

Happy Fourth to You!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Trish and I are now at home for our longest stretch of time all year.  We have finished our June storytelling workshops and now have delicious days of rest and recouperation.

What do we do on these days?  Each day we try to take our lunch in the Jeep and drive out to picnic on the beach.  Our 16 mile National Park beach starts less than a mile from our house.  We stay there and read a little while after lunch…not too long since we can come back the next day.

Back at our house we tend and enjoy all of our flower gardens.  The most fun this time of year is being able to take flower arrangements to the various people who care for us around the village.  Many people don’t believe you can grow flowers here…you just have to believe that you can!

When the weather keeps us indoors, Trish and I each have our projects.  She is always sewing and making all sorts of wonderfully creative things.  I write a little bit each day and work on my model ship building.

Right now I am working on a typical pirate ship from about 1700.

We have so many projects that we will never catch up, let alone finish!

Sunshine and Fish!

 Trish and I have been at Atlantis for two weeks and we have one more week to go. One of the reasons we love to come here is the gigantic aq...